




Seamless Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Infrastructure

Connect your on-prem and cloud GPUs to the proxiML platform and seamlessly run jobs across them with CloudBender™.

Own the Base, Rent the Burst
Save money buy owning the GPUs you use frequently and renting only during usage spikes. proxiML makes this completely transparent to your developers.
Zero IT Burden
proxiML is even easier for your corporate IT. All resources on-boarded to CloudBender are completely managed by proxiML, from driver updates to OS patching.
Automatic Cost Optimization
Just submit a workload and proxiML will automatically select the lowest cost available resources to satisfy the request, from idle on-prem resources to AWS spot instances to GCP.

Current ML infrastructure is wasteful

Machine learning teams face a difficult trade-off. They usually end up wasting resources (overprovisioning) or time (underpovisioning). Ideal ML infrastructure has the following characteristics:

  • Never run out of GPUs
  • Owned GPUs are always productive
  • Workloads run on the cheapest resource
  • Workload submission is easy and seamless
  • Choose CapEx vs OpEx mix
  • Programmatic Management
  • Optimize ML infrastructure cost with CloudBender™.

    • Any Infrastructure

      Create a CloudBender deployment inside whichever cloud provider you're using or onboard a physical system. The proxiML platform standardizes the workload specification so your jobs run the same on any infrastructure, anywhere.

    • Seamless Experience

      Just specify the required resource characteristics (GPU type, maximum cost per hour, etc.) and the workload details (model location, data location, etc.) and proxiML will automatically select the lowest cost resource available and start executing the workload.

    • Global Infrastructure Network

      CloudBender-managed resource can participate in proxiML's infrastructure sharing network. Rent spare resources from others to increase burst capacity or sell your idle resource back to earn credits.


    Run any workload, anywhere

    It only takes a few minutes to start running workloads on the proxiML platform. Sign-up today.
    See Pricing

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